The film “Robin Hood (2025)” presents a spectacular, modern take on the legend of the hero of Sherwood Forest. Chris Hemsworth plays Robin Hood, a former knight betrayed by the crown, who is forced into hiding and becomes the leader of a group of outlaws who steal from the rich to give to the poor.
The story takes place in a medieval England plunged into chaos, where the nobility and the church ally to oppress the people. Robin Hood, along with his companions such as Little John, Will Scarlet, and Lady Marian, plans daring missions to directly confront the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and the royal forces.
With stunning archery scenes, epic battles, and a touching love story between Robin and Marian, the film promises to offer a renewed and powerful version of the legendary hero, with a strong epic tone. “Robin Hood (2025)” not only tells the story of a fight for justice, but also of a forgotten hero’s journey to redemption and search for freedom.