Invasion of the Mermaids (2025) is an upcoming fantasy-horror film exploring a sinister twist on the classic mermaid myth. The story begins when mysterious events unfold in a coastal town—fishermen vanish, ships wreck without explanation, and eerie songs lure people into the ocean. These occurrences lead to the discovery of a vengeful race of mermaids rising from the depths to invade humanity.
The film features Dr. Amelia Grey, a marine biologist, as she investigates these occurrences. Eventually, she joins forces with a historian, a seasoned sailor, and a mysterious young woman claiming to be part-mermaid. Together, they unravel the secrets of the mermaids and attempt to thwart their invasion. The mermaids, led by their powerful queen, use their deadly allure and magic to wreak havoc on coastal cities while seeking revenge for humanity’s exploitation of the oceans.
The movie blends underwater thrills with elements of folklore, mystery, and fantasy, promising intense sequences and captivating visuals. Its thematic focus on environmental consequences adds depth to the narrative