In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic and his friends – Tails and Knuckles – embark on a new and dangerous adventure as Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) returns with a more sinister plan than ever before. This time, Robotnik’s ambitions go beyond conquering Earth; he seeks to harness the energy of a mysterious cosmic phenomenon capable of altering the fabric of the universe.
Joining Robotnik is Shadow the Hedgehog, a formidable rival with superior abilities and a mysterious connection to Sonic’s own origins. As Sonic faces off against Shadow, he must also prove that the power of friendship and trust can overcome any obstacle.
The film also introduces a new character, voiced by Keanu Reeves – a legendary warrior from another dimension who plays a pivotal role in the battle against Robotnik. With lightning-fast speed, thrilling action sequences, and the trademark humor, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 promises to delight both long-time fans and new audiences alike.
The movie is set to release in 2024.