“Tarot” (2024) is a horror-thriller film directed by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg. The story follows a group of friends who use an old tarot deck they find in a rented mansion, despite warnings that using another person’s deck is forbidden. This act unleashes a deadly curse tied to the cards, causing each friend to face terrifying fates tied to their tarot readings.
As the deaths begin to align with the cards’ predictions, the group discovers the deck’s dark history through an occult expert, Alma Astryn. The cursed cards, linked to a vengeful Astrologer from the 18th century, become unstoppable. Despite attempts to destroy the deck and escape their fates, the friends are picked off in gruesome encounters with embodiments of their tarot cards. The climax sees the protagonist, Haley, confronting the spirit of the Astrologer to end the curse.