Final Destination: Bloodlines (2025) is the sixth installment in the iconic horror franchise, timed to mark the 25th anniversary of the original movie. The plot follows the franchise’s established formula: a character experiences a premonition about their own death and saves others from a catastrophic event, only for Death to claim them one by one in gruesome and inventive ways. This entry is rumored to delve deeper into the backstory of William Bludworth, the mysterious coroner played by Tony Todd, who reprises his role in the film.
Directed by Zach Lipovsky and Adam Stein, with a script by Guy Busick and Lori Evans Taylor, the movie promises to deliver fresh takes on its classic themes. One particularly chilling sequence is said to involve a body modification parlor. Bloodlines aims to reinvigorate the series with new perspectives while staying true to its legacy of thrilling, death-defying horror