In “Underworld 6: The Rise of the Vampires,” Selene (Kate Beckinsale) faces her most dangerous challenge yet as the war between vampires and werewolves reaches apocalyptic heights. The story reveals that an ancient vampire faction has risen, led by a powerful and mysterious figure intent on dominating both species. Selene must unite the remaining vampire clans and the ruthless werewolves to thwart this new threat, all while uncovering shocking truths about her lineage.
The film delves into Selene’s past, revealing that her bloodline holds the key to ending the war once and for all. The final battle takes place under a blood-red moon, where Selene confronts the leader of the ancient faction in a brutal showdown that will determine the fate of both species.
The production budget for the film is approximately $80 million, with a significant portion allocated to groundbreaking CGI and action sequences. The film’s net worth is expected to grow exponentially, with early projections estimating a global box office income of over $300 million. This would make it one of the highest-grossing films in the franchise, solidifying its position as a major success in the horror-action genre. Fans can look forward to a thrilling and emotional conclusion to Selene’s journey.